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Attorney: FBI singling out Chinese-Americans with insider-threat program

The FBI has singled out Chinese-Americans as part of a controversial insider-threat reduction program that has sought to flag alleged efforts to manipulate polygraph tests, according to a leading national security defense attorney.

“The government reacts with this sledgehammer instead of laser precision to determine who would be an insider threat which is very difficult to predict,” said Mark Zaid, who has several clients with ongoing disputes involving intelligence agencies including the FBI. “They’re sacrificing tons, dozens and dozens of Americans who’re doing nothing but their jobs, and the FBI is one of the worst to do this.”

Zaid argues the program is flagging potentially innocent people based on a questionable standard.

One of Zaid’s clients – who asked not to be identified for fear of further retaliation – explained how it works. The client said, in their case, an evaluator alleged during a routine polygraph that the FBI employee had used “counter measures” to affect the accuracy of the test.

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What is “Western” masculinity? Do you mean Physicality? Honor? Bravery? Chivalry?

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My wrath bristles through my helmet, the rain stops as I stand by the rain;
I look up towards the sky and let loose a passionate roar…
Let us ride our chariots through the Helan Pass,
There we shall feast on barbarian flesh and drink the blood of the Xiongnu.
Let us begin anew to recover our old empire before paying tribute to the Emperor.

-General Yue Fei


Over a 20-year period, this super soldier rose to the military rank of Overall Commander of Imperial Forces, while emerging victorious in 126 battles. He earned the respect of those he commanded as he was stern and fair yet caring. He also invented a half-dozen styles of martial arts, wrote sweet poetry about the annihilation of his foes, and honored his parents.

Today, he is revered as a national hero in China, a symbol of patriotic loyalty, honor, intelligence, and courage.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Europe during the same time…



You got brainwashed into thinking desirable masculinity is “Western”. The West loves to racialize anything positive and fool you into believing that they hold some untouchable monopoly. Another example is Western “ingenuity”. Since when is ingenuity Western?. Here’s one final example: Western humanist traditions.


Pursue traditional Asian masculinity [scholar, warrior, gentleman].


ps. These rugged eSports champions and sensitive otakus will never be seriously revered by Asians or anyone on earth.


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One of the many forms of bullshit from Whites is that China has always been a despotic backwards place without laws yet…let’s see if that holds up to scrutiny by looking at the…British Opium Wars against China.

We could close the case right there for illegal drug dealing, but let’s look closer and read what Commissioner Lin of China had to say on this matter.

But after a long period of commercial intercourse, there appear among the crowd of barbarians both good persons and bad, unevenly. Consequently there are those who smuggle opium to seduce the Chinese people and so cause the spread of the poison to all provinces. Such persons who only care to profit themselves, and disregard their harm to others, are not tolerated by the laws of heaven and are unanimously hated by human beings.
All those people in China who sell opium or smoke opium should receive the death penalty. We trace the crime of those barbarians who through the years have been selling opium, then the deep harm they have wrought and the great profit they have usurped should fundamentally justify their execution according to law. We take into to consideration, however, the fact that the various barbarians have still known how to repent their crimes and return to their allegiance to us by taking the 20,183 chests of opium from their storeships and petitioning us, through their consular officer [superintendent of trade], Elliot, to receive it
Fortunately we have received a specially extended favor Born His Majesty the Emperor, who considers that for those who voluntarily surrender there are still some circumstances to palliate their crime, and so for the time being he has magnanimously excused them from punishment. But as for those who again violate the opium prohibition, it is difficult for the law to pardon them repeatedly. Having established new regulations, we presume that the ruler of your honorable country, who takes delight in our culture and whose disposition is inclined towards us, must be able to instruct the various barbarians to observe the law with care.
We find your country is sixty or seventy thousand li [three li make one mile, ordinarily] from China Yet there are barbarian ships that strive to come here for trade for the purpose of making a great profit The wealth of China is used to profit the barbarians. That is to say, the great profit made by barbarians is all taken from the rightful share of China. By what right do they then in return use the poisonous drug to injure the Chinese people? Even though the barbarians may not necessarily intend to do us harm, yet in coveting profit to an extreme, they have no regard for injuring others. Let us ask, where is your conscience? I have heard that the smoking of opium is very strictly forbidden by your country; that is because the harm caused by opium is clearly understood. Since it is not permitted to do harm to your own country, then even less should you let it be passed on to the harm of other countries – how much less to China! Of all that China exports to foreign countries, there is not a single thing which is not beneficial to people: they are of benefit when eaten, or of benefit when used, or of benefit when resold: all are beneficial. Is there a single article from China which has done any harm to foreign countries? Take tea and rhubarb, for example; the foreign countries cannot get along for a single day without them. If China cuts off these benefits with no sympathy for those who are to suffer, then what can the barbarians rely upon to keep themselves alive? Moreover the woolens, camlets, and longells [i.e., textiles] of foreign countries cannot be woven unless they obtain Chinese silk. If China, again, cuts off this beneficial export, what profit can the barbarians expect to make? As for other foodstuffs, beginning with candy, ginger, cinnamon, and so forth, and articles for use, beginning with silk, satin, chinaware, and so on, all the things that must be had by foreign countries are innumerable. On the other hand, articles coming from the outside to China can only be used as toys. We can take them or get along without them. Since they are not needed by China, what difficulty would there be if we closed our the frontier and stopped the trade? Nevertheless, our Celestial Court lets tea, silk, and other goods be shipped without limit and circulated everywhere without begrudging it in the slightest. This is for no other reason but to share the benefit with the people of the whole world. The goods from China carried away by your country not only supply your own consumption and use, but also can be divided up and sold to other countries, producing a triple profit. Even if you do not sell opium, you still have this threefold profit. How can you bear to go further, selling products injurious to others in order to fulfill your insatiable desire?
Suppose there were people from another country who carried opium for sale to England and seduced your people into buying and smoking it; certainly your honorable ruler would deeply hate it and be bitterly aroused. We have heard heretofore that your honorable ruler is kind and benevolent. Naturally you would not wish to give unto others what you yourself do not want.
We have further learned that in London, the capital of your honorable rule, and in Scotland, Ireland, and other places, originally no opium has been produced. Only in several places of India under your control such as Bengal, Madras, Bombay, Patna, Benares, and Malwa has opium been planted from hill to hill, and ponds h ave been opened for its manufacture.
Now consider this: if the barbarians do not bring opium, then how can the Chinese people resell it, and how can they smoke it? The fact is that the wicked barbarians beguile the Chinese people into a death trap. How then can we grant life only to these barbarians? He who takes the life of even one person still has to atone for it with his own life; yet is the harm done by opium limited to the taking of one life only? Therefore in the new regulations, in regard to those barbarians who bring opium to China, the penalty is fixed at decapitation or strangulation. This is what is called getting rid a harmful thing on behalf of mankind.
Our Celestial Dynasty rules over and supervises the myriad states, and surely possesses unfathomable spiritual dignity. Yet the Emperor cannot cear to execute people without having first tried to reform them by instruction.

Chinese Cultural Studies: Lin Tse-Hsu (1785-1850): Letter to Queen Victoria, 1839:


Several things are clear from this

The British drug dealers and their accomplices in higher levels of government know that what they do is harmful to others because they have laws against it. They are hypocritical towards the Chinese who they exclude from legal protection against drugs.

Furthermore, we see that China was extraordinarily benevolent towards the British. Trade benefited the British tremendously as Chinese inputs were required for the manufacture of numerous British goods and mere resale would make them eye-watering profits.

Finally, we see that it is China who cares about both law and applies such law with humanity. Chinese courts grants offenders mercy for ceasing and repenting their crimes. Meanwhile, it is the “enlightened” Westerners who drug and destroy communities.

So, remember this the next time you come across some White mental masturbation about their rule of lawzzz

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The Asian entertainment industry…

It’s remarkable how infantile they are. They repeatedly sabtoage their own soft power efforts while succeeding wildly at promoting Western soft power. Is this a coincidence? How is this possible? Do they not observe how racist Western media is towards Asians? This film like others has been written by whites, who have for centuries spread and highly racist and distorted view on Asians.

why are they allowed any creative control beyond special effects?

Some examples of major Asian failures include:

● selling their IP to Western film studios who whitewash their roles eg All you need is Kill and Ghost in the Shell

● financing films that push afwm narratives inside their own markets

● cherry picking the best looking afwm hapas as celebrities that has highly contributed to Asian women’s “white fever”

● giving creative control to Western writers and directors, who consistently push afwm narratives

● promoting girly men onto the screen. Here’s “superstar”, Lu Han mykyiRV.jpg


I believe Asians in Asia are oblivious to Western styled psychological warfare disguised as entertainment. They cannot understand how entertainment could and would be be weaponized in such a nefarious way – the same way First Nations had no idea white “Christians” who preached love and peace were about to mass rape and exterminate them.


The Asian soft power industry should not worry about grand plans at this stage. They should focus on not stabbing themselves in the face repeatedly. That seems to be a challenge for them.


Defenders of The Great Wall film [2016] told early critics to “give it a chance” [this film is directed by Zhang Yimou, who made an American wm an anti-hero in the film, The Flowers of War, set during the second Japanese-Sino War. He should have instead expose how America helped create this massacre while profiting off it.]


Here’s the first imdb view for The Great Wall

The latest Zhang Yimou flick is definitely a ‘leave your brains back at home’ type of adventure. Rather than serving as a work of art, like Mr Zhang’s other works, it’s purpose is to bank as much as possible with it’s predictable story-line and overstuffed cast of big names who aren’t used to their full potential. There are too many characters that aren’t explored and are therefore pointless. The majority of the scenes are given to Damon and Jing Tian’s clichéd ‘will they, will they not-potential lovers’ character arcs. In fact a good 25% of the film seems to focus on Jing Tian’s face.


Since these outrageously dense Chinese entertainment people don’t get it, we need to show them in the reviews and ticket sales. Go there and make a statement

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They are very different.

White guys have done everything possible to castrate soft genocide Asian men and conquer Asian women including and not limited to invasions, war, mass rape, dropping two nuclear bombs, using chemical and biological weapons, genocide, smearing Asian men with lies for centuries, and even spreading anti-Asian culture/Asian men lies and funding anti-Asian authors and actors (Amy Tan, Ken Jeong, etc) to be their “leaders”. Western society’s attitude towards Asians is built upon enslaving and then killing off Asian men and creating fake “preferences” for Afwm couples by socially engineered self hate and white worship by Asian women.

An afwm pairing = subjugation of Asians. An amwf pairing is fighting back against white racist hate.

There’s endless proof in the form of almost exclusively Afwm psychopathic hapas who go commit serial rape, serial murder, terrorism, hate themed porn, etc. All of these crazies like Elliot Rogers and Daniel Holtzclaw espouse white supremacist beliefs and hate Asians. Visit for thousands of pages of proof.

The only groups who disagree the loudest are those who hate Asian men and Asians like the mentally unstable Jenn Fang of She hangs out with only non-Asians. Married a non-Asian and at one point “advised” Asian men to turn gay to fix the dating disparity. That’s not an ally.

Below are some messages from honest Asian women themselves.

Relevant reading:

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