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Creepy, ugly, much older, weird, balding, fat, out of shape, perverted, autistic are some of the words Asian women describe the creeps, almost always white, who approach them. White men will tell you, oh, they’re just “enthusiastic” about Asian culture. Yet, why are these “enthusiasts” always so…undesirable and repulsive?

Why does this happen? Where does the White creep gain the confidence to approach young and attractive Asian women – not other races of women – just Asian women?

Your race is a key factor. Thanks to a combo of:

racist dehumanizing stereotypes [created and spread by white males] that paint Asian women as easy sex objects

● many self-hating/white worshiping/oblivious Asian women who tolerate and even reward such behavior

Asian men and the wider community in general doing nothing to stop this


These entitled sex predators have become an epidemic. No where else would these creepy white guys feel even safe to pull this off.


Asians as a whole must stop reinforcing White preference - that is, to stop tolerating / rewarding the wrong Whites. This feedback loop of White preference emboldens White creeps to be ever more pushy, pestering, and audacious in their predatory behavior towards Asian women. In more concrete terms, the new policy would look more like:

● It is crucial to educate and discourage White fever by the wrong types of Asian women who are complicit in reinforcing White preference with their excessively deferential behavior and even worse, for covering up White creep excesses in violence, rape, and even murder. Such women are a key source of White “preference” in our community because they perpetuate myths about White men which allows them to act as wolves in sheep’s clothing.

● Asian women being visibly upset, ignore, and even asking for help from the public when approached by a White creep. She would not be smiling, giggling, and encouraging the White creep. Our Asian cultures prioritize face and safe-guarding other people’s feelings. This is a mistake for it only emboldens the White creep.

● Asian men must support our Asian sisters in their time of need. An obvious White creep needs to be purged immediately like any creep. There should be no leniency towards Whites. In less obvious encounters, distract the White creep or offer your support to the Asian woman in question.

● The Asian community as a whole must aware its members on the true nature of White creeps.

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So today, I went into an empty fast-food restaurant with my husband. We picked a seat on a long couch that run across the entire left wall of the restaurant. There were about 6-7 tables for that couch (all empty). Shortly, my husband got up to use the restroom and left me alone. Not much later, an elderly man (white) who appeared to be about 60-70 years old showed up. To my very unpleasant surprise, he chose the table RIGHT NEXT to mine despite the fact that there were literally 20+ empty tables in the restaurant (the entire restaurant was empty). Because the seat was a long, connecting couch, he was pretty much sitting right next to me.

My husband then came out and sat back down next to me (in between me and the old, white guy). The old man, upon seeing this, instantly got up and moved to another seat across the restaurant. If this isn’t all the signs of a creep, then I don’t know what is.

What sucks is that ever since I moved to the south, none of this stuff is unusual anymore. Getting harassed by old, creepy WMs is par for the course of living here. And tbh, I’m almost sure it’s because of my race because sometimes, even when there are other women (white and black) around, I still get harassed noticeably more than they do. It’s even gotten so extreme at times that my husband notices and tells me to take his hand and stay by his side closely if we happen to be in a place where there are too many WMs. And nowadays, when I know we’re about to go to a place where WMs are likely to be the main demographic (i.e. gun range), I purposefully try to make myself look as terrible as can be (wearing baggy clothes, messy hair, etc…) to at least deter some attention.

At one point, I even had a random white guy in the airport walk slowly past me (I was sitting in my seat alone waiting for my next flight–my husband wasn’t with me) while grinning at me the whole time. Then slowly walked into the restroom with his head still facing me, grinning at me. Then minutes later, came out of the restroom, continued to stare and grin at me. After he walked past me, he turned around, walked backwards, so he can keep grinning at me. Can you blame me for being scared shitless?

I’m getting exasperated—not just because of the sheer number of creeps here, but also because of the fact that I have virtually no one to talk to about this. This place is starting to make me go insane but no one I know can relate to me because most of my Asian friends live in happy, safe enclaves back in California. They don’t have to deal with as many creeps. I can’t go to Asian female subreddits or forums either because so many AFs defend WMs like crazy in those places. If anything, rather than bashing the harassers, some of them rather bash the victims, especially if the harasser is a WM.

I’ve always been aware of racism against Asians, but my experiences living here in the south was what drove me to find forums/subs like AznIdentity or AsianSoul in the first place. Yes, it’s THAT bad. I’m getting sick of it and it’s just frustrating that there’s no specific AF community to support victims of racialized sexual advancements by white creeps who would otherwise never do the same to a non-AF.

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White Students’ Unfair Advantage in Admissions

As a Chinese-American alumnus who interviews applicants to Yale, I’m often asked one question by Asian-American students and parents: “Will being Asian hurt my chances?”

I deflect these queries, since I’m just a volunteer, not a member of the admissions committee. But I understand their concern.

A 2009 Princeton study showed Asian-Americans had to score 140 points higher on their SATs than whites, 270 points higher than Hispanics and 450 points higher than blacks to have the same chance of admission to leading universities. A lawsuit filed in 2014 accused Harvard of having a cap on the number of Asian students — the percentage of Asians in Harvard’s student body had remained about 16 percent to 19 percent for two decades even though the Asian-American percentage of the population had more than doubled. In 2016, the Asian American Coalition for Education filed a complaint with the Department of Education against Yale, where the Asian percentage had remained 13 percent to 16 percent for 20 years, as well as Brown and Dartmouth, urging investigation of their admissions practices for similar reasons.

There’s ample evidence that Asian-Americans are at a disadvantage in college admissions. This issue has divided Asians and others who debate the relative benefits of diversity versus meritocracy in our society.
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I’ve often heard Asian-Americans express resentment toward blacks and Latinos for benefiting from affirmative action. As a Yale senior, I remember feeling disillusioned myself when an upper-middle-class black classmate with significantly less academic achievement than I was admitted to a top medical school that had rejected me.

But if Asians are being held back, it’s not so much because of affirmative action but because of preference for whites. The 450-point advantage that the Princeton study demonstrated blacks have over Asians draws the most attention. But the number that is most revealing is the 140-point advantage for whites over Asians.

To explain that disparity some might cite the myth that while Asian students have high test scores, they lack the well-rounded extracurricular interests and activities that colleges prize. But the study isolated race as a factor by controlling for variables like academic performance, legacy status, social class, type of high school (public or private) and participation in athletics. So that 140-point gap is between a white student and an Asian student who differ by little more than race.

Still, I’ve always supported affirmative action, though I’d much prefer that it was based on socio-economic disadvantage rather than race alone. All students benefit from having a racially diverse class. I would not have preferred to go to a Yale that was predominantly Asian. Colleges should grant an advantage to blacks and Hispanics because they continue to face barriers to equal access and opportunity.

The same is not true for whites, so there is no reason they should have preference over Asians in college admissions. It would be ludicrous to state that whites have been disadvantaged in comparison to Asian-Americans. The opposite could be argued, with xenophobic persecution during “yellow peril” scares, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, and internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II as prime examples.

Often-cited examples of race-blind meritocracy are New York City’s elite public schools, such as Stuyvesant High School, for which admission is based solely on a standardized test. Stuyvesant is about 74 percent Asian, 18 percent white, 3 percent Hispanic, 1 percent black, with 4 percent multiracial or other. In California, where race-based affirmative action was eliminated in 1996, admission at the University of California at Berkeley is 42 percent Asian.

I do not like this degree of racial imbalance. But for too long, many elite colleges have done too much to orchestrate the racial composition of their classes. It seems obvious that continuing to hold Asian percentages at near-constant levels required excessive tipping of the scales to the detriment of Asians — and America’s long-cherished traditions of fairness and equal opportunity.

These colleges’ intentions may be good. Preserving a white majority is unlikely to be an overt goal. But whatever the reason for this frozen racial composition, it should be questioned.

A school like Harvard can ensure racial diversity by employing affirmative action to increase black and Hispanic enrollment, or at least keep them stable, but should maintain a level playing field for ethnicities that are not underrepresented — whites and Asians. (And I must acknowledge that there may be signs that this is beginning to happen: the recently admitted Harvard class of 2020 is 22 percent Asian, a slight increase.)


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