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Racist, misogynistic, hypocritical, cheating, and violent white men are poor partners? Who knew…


the influence of trend setting female movie stars, finding a laowai for a husband was in fashion for young Chinese women who emulated their role models and followed fads.
With laowai cheating their victims of money and sex as well as having to endure domestic violence, many of these Chinese women have come to regret their decisions.


actress Yuan Li said - “You can better appreciate Chinese men after marrying a foreigner.”
movie star Yuan Li candidly opened up on a talk show interview about her marriage. In interpersonal relationships, male foreigners are very different than Chinese men due to cultural differences. Yuan Li said, “You (can) better appreciate all the good qualities of Chinese men after marrying a foreigner.” Yuan said after the wedding that she felt pain and torment like she had never experienced before. She said she felt nothing but anguish at the beginning of the marriage, saying, “It was like a stuck gear made of flesh and blood, clacking away, grinding down upon my heart and my soul.” For a time, she only wanted to forget about this period in
her life
What is for certain is that Yuan’s life right now is not what she had initially imagined, what with all the regrets she’s managed to accumulate.
Ning Jing
Ning Jing said that Paul completely changed character. When Paul started to not come home at night, Ning became angry, leading to sudden emotional outbursts and exchanges. ‘Three words were all it took for him to leap up and slam his fist on the table. Often things like a stool or a cup would get thrown, turning our home into a chaotic disarray.’
Li Lingyu
Audiences are most familiar with Li Lingyu from her role as the White Rabbit from the television series Journey to the West. In 1984, 21 year old Li completely threw away her promising acting career in a ‘flash wedding’ to her boyfriend. in 2000, Li gave birth to a boy named Jessie. But with the culture gap between East and West proving to be too great, Li’s marriage turned out to be not so happy, and the couple often got into arguments. In 2005, Li and Jerry formally divorced.
Wei Wei
When the Asian Games were being held in Beijing, singer Wei Wei confirmed her place as a singing diva by singing the hit song, All Mighty Asia. Wei went on to marry Swede Michael Joseph Smith
Not only did Smith confiscate the passports for the three children as permitted under the Swedish rules for divorce, but also threatened Wei’s life several times for which she had to resort to using the protection of bodyguards. Wei is rumored to be dating again, to yet another laowai.
Maggie Cheung
In a 1998 flash wedding that raised an uproar across internet forums, Maggie Cheung married French director (Oliver) Assayass, a man seven years younger than her.
(Cheung) endured domestic abuse which eventually resulted in the couple’s divorce.
Jessy Meng
Throughout her transition from a model, to a host, to an actor, the talents of Jessey Meng are always on display. Meng had an unforgettable cross border relationship, but who would have guessed that this was just a ‘honey trap’ - After living with her Italian boyfriend for four years, Jessey got dumped. Not only was Jessey used for sex, but Jessey’s boyfriend had also taken much of her money, using hundreds of thousands of Euros to take another girlfriend on a trip of hedonism, and blowing the fortune that Jessey and her family had worked so hard to accrue.
Chen Luyu
Chen Luyu married an American in 1995. The next year, Chen brought her husband to China as she joined the line up of Phoenix Television. But while Chen was receiving accolades for her work, her marriage hit a red light. There are reports that the actual reason behind the divorce was that Chen was physically abused by her foreign husband.
Zhang Mi
Despite having enjoyed a brief case of popularity, Zhang Mi attracted more media attention for her relationship. With unending tales of her husband’s infidelity, the man even authored a book called Zhang Mi, My Sexy Girlfriend in which racy stories of their sex life were revealed in graphic detail. All the same, not long afterwards, Zhang and her boyfriend parted ways.
Jessica Hsuan
Jessica Hsuan had been dating South Africa Ruan Bester, a man four years her junior, since 2009.
Hsuan would often get into disputes over getting married, which Hsuan was in favor of. Unsuccessful in her attempt, Hsuan decided to end their relationship. People in the know have said that the South African man had no intention of getting married, and was just ‘playing around’.
Zhang Ziyi
In 2007, Zhang Ziyi became involved with Israeli venture capitalist (Aviv ‘Vivi’ Nevo) who is worth 4.2 billion yuan. However, a divorce happened shortly thereafter,leaving people to wonder why the 43 year old foreign boyfriend would end the marriage. Afterwards, ‘Vivi’ was seen dating other girlfriends and appearing at other high profile events, while Zhang Ziyi still remains fixated upon her former flame.

The Chinese Movie Stars Who Regret Their Failed Relationships with Foreign Men | The Nanfang:

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It’s good to see their growing awareness. Indeed, white males do see Asian women as easy choices because many are ignorant of just how racist, misogynistic, and hypocritical they are. The white brand is inflated beyond all reason thanks to Western media and the inexplicable complicity of the Asian [in Asia] media leaders that support these false images.

Piercing through the white brand and revealing perverse yellow fever white males is a crucial part of ending the white worship disease.

Key excerpts…

● We are the option for white men who are rejected by other women, who are misogynist, who are racist, who are unattractive, etc. Asia itself has become a destination for losers looking to score. We are seen as the easy option, the ones who will worship them. While those uppity white feminazis rejected him, Asian women will be good, submissive, easy women who best of all love white men.

● They themselves prop up people like Maxine Kingston who are damaging.

● Hate to say it. but it does seem like with WM AF couples, the WM is marrying above what he could (he couldn’t get a white girl of that ‘caliber’), and the AF is marrying down (she could get an AM of better ‘caliber’). It’s not a pretty way to look at things, but it often proves to be sadly realistic. By caliber I am referring to looks, wealth, and education.

I do want to add though that I absolutely agree with what you’re saying here. I have a cousin or two who totally ended up marrying the White Reject and they both could’ve done so much better because there were some great AMs that were interested but the sad truth is that we do have some self hating AWs in the community
that shit it all up for the rest of us. My sister is one of them - She dates the biggest losers just because they’re white, despite the fact that she is college educated from one of the top schools in the nation and has a high paying job and has definitely had some just as high achieving AMs who wanted to date her.

she has totally shat all over my SO before just because he’s not white

the loser boyfriends she brings home who aren’t college educated and some were even unemployed.

● Woke Asian American women are a vastly different demographic from people who get into relationships with neckbeard sexpats. Let’s call it what it is and I’m going to be crude here. The mail order bride phenomenon.

If woke Asian American women stopped dating all white men tomorrow, sexpats will move their focus to recently arrived immigrants and women outside the US. I do not know if it will change the image that much. I think the only thing that could really help is supporting strong images of Asian men and women alike in the US media.

● After getting rejected badly by FilAm guys, I deliberately dated ugly white guys because I figured they’re desperate to be with an Asian girl, even an ugly one like me. Sad, huh -

● I think a lot of us have went through this phase at some point. When I was younger, even though I always knew that being with a white person would be problematic given the status difference between us and white people, I won’t deny that there were some times that I felt pretty smug that I had gotten the attention of a whiteguy even though I wasn’t interested in the idea of engaging with them in any way. Looking back at it now, it was pretty embarrassing how much importance I had put in using white people (men and women) to gauge where I stood in terms of attractiveness and desirability.

● Ladies, don’t underestimate your worth when you look for a potential suitor just because they come from a background that’s considered ‘above’ yours. A man is just a man, whether they’re Asian, white, black, Latino and every kind of man in existence. Find someone who you share common values with and make sure that
both of you are on the same page in terms of taking part equally in the relationship

● This often happens to me. I met two guys in my life, both who were non Asians. I never dated them officially.The first one confessed his attraction to me via online. Soon, it became apparent to me that he liked me because I’m a ‘good little Asian girl’ who isn’t all ‘wild, rebellious, and into drugs like all other hot white girls are.’

The second one was a terrible liar, and a terrible person. He liked Asian girls solely because they would never ‘betray him,’ and because they were ‘submissive, and did what he liked.’ Ugh, he really did leave bad taste in my mouth for all the horrible things he said about Asian women.

No matter where I go, I unfortunately come across some men who think that it’s their right as ‘white saviors’ to scoop up the ‘exotic little geisha dancers,’ when in fact, they are lonely, insecure, and looking to score because our culture mandates them to be conquerors of politics, economy, and women.

Something for Asian feminism to address: Being seen as the easy (back-up) option for (white) rejects : asianfeminism:

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Edward Snowden’s decision to leak information about classified U.S. surveillance programs set back the Pentagon’s push to recruit cybersecurity experts, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said.
“There’s no question that Snowden set it back,” Carter said of the effort to attract top talent from tech companies in Silicon Valley and beyond for cybersecurity positions.
“It created a tremendous amount of suspicion, concern, and disinclination to engage,” he aded.

Snowden, Carter, Pentagon, Cybersecurity | Defensetech:

Lies are the foundation of white supremacy. People act because they think and believe certain things. Most people are not evil, but misled. Few would agree to “commit genocide against innocent people”, but many could be fooled into doing just that if it’s called “fighting for democracy”.

That’s why Western lies must always be exposed and their voices discredited. That causes mass distrust, disobedience, defection, and subversion against the wrong white power structures.

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Racial discrimination in Australia: A third of young people report race-based mistreatment

Almost a third of young people experienced unfair treatment or discrimination based on their race in the last year, Mission Australia’s youth survey has revealed.

“This is a little bit of a wake-up call for us, isn’t it?” Mission Australia’s chief executive Catherine Yeomans said.

A total 22,000 young people aged between 15 and 19 from across the country completed the survey, with 4,000 teenagers saying they spoke a language other than English at home — the most common being Chinese, Vietnamese and Arabic.

When broken down, the survey showed Mandarin-speaking young people experienced the highest rates of racial discrimination, at 90 per cent.

About 80 per cent of Cantonese and Filipino young people reported unfair treatment based on their race.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people were almost twice as likely to report having experienced racial discrimination than their non-Indigenous peers.

“There are some conversations going on in our community, or some actions being taken against young people, that are simply not right,” Ms Yeomans said.

The ABC spoke to several young Australians about their experiences.

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‘It’s (Sexy) Asian Men!’ Hallelujah!

As an Asian-American woman, I’ve had any number of opportunities to see someone who looked like me on the big and small screen.

Since I was a little girl, I’ve seen Disney’s Mulan, Trini Kwan from Fox Kids’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Dr. Cristina Yang on Grey’s Anatomy, to name a few. And while the portrayal of Asian-American women by Hollywood and television could use some work – too often they’re over-sexualized or rendered exotic – at least we’re present and have some depth.

But Asian-American male characters have exactly the opposite problem. They’re rarely cast in the sexy, romantic roles and are more typically relegated to stereotypes or caricatures.

“That’s if Asian-American men have been portrayed at all,” Phil Yu, who runs the Angry Asian Man blog, told me. “Usually Asian-American men have been pretty much rendered invisible. But when they’re around, when you see them, it’s usually sidelined to sidekick status or probably the butt of a joke like ‘Asian Nerd,’ wimpy guys, perpetual foreigners.”

Think Long Duk Dong from the 1984 movie “Sixteen Candles.”

I by no means want to take away from the talents of Asian male pioneers in western film like Jackie Chan, Daniel Dae Kim, Bruce Lee or George Takei. But let’s be honest, they’ve all played the “perpetual foreigners.”

A new web short film called “It’s Asian Men!” looks to do away with the image of Asian-American men as weak and effeminate by spoofing a movie that’s all about male machismo: “Magic Mike.”

The film is only about 7 minutes long, credits included, but it shows a completely different side of Asian-American men from what you see in western film.

Without giving too much away, let’s just say that the movie involves a bed, a dream, and four hot Asian men. Even its soundtrack is meant to send a message. “Backup Man” by Bo Haan, one of the film’s actors, is all about the plight of the Asian-American male dating experience: always the safe choice; always the backup man.

The film left me wondering why I thought the juxtaposition of “sexy” and “Asian men” seemed strange. That happens to be the motivation behind the message the film’s creators are trying to send to Hollywood filmmakers: There are plenty of attractive, talented Asian-American men who can play the romantic leading man you’re looking for.

NaRhee Ahn, the film’s writer, director and one of its producers, says she and her all-Asian-American female crew could have cast the film many times over.

“I just really want people to notice the talent that they have as well as their good looks, because there’s a lot of actors like that available,” she said. “They just aren’t being recognized by mainstream entertainment.”

(There’s some real-world evidence that Asian-American men are less preferred by American women. Over the years, online dating website OKCupid has studied its user activity. Researchers found that Asian-American men receive far fewer “likes” and messages compared to men of other races on their site. Days before the “It’s Asian Men!” debuted, OKCupid found that that trend still holds.)

Yoshi Sudarso, the leading man in “It’s Asian Men!,” doesn’t look like any of the Hollywood stereotypes. He’s hunky with toned arms, a washboard stomach with a sweet smile and shining eyes. A stunt man-turned actor, Sudarso is probably best known for his role as the Koda on the series “Power Rangers Dino Charge.”

He was offered the part in “It’s Asian Men!” when the filmmakers asked journalist Ada Tseng for casting recommendations from her calendar, “Haikus with Hotties,” which billed itself as “a series where we ask hot Asian men to share poetry with us.” (The 2017 version will be "Haikus ON Hotties). The calendar served as the inspiration for “It’s Asian Men!” and has partnered with the film.

To be fair, RIGHT NOW is probably the best time to be an Asian-American man trying to make a career in front of the camera. There are a number of television shows with Asian-American men in significant roles, like ABC’s “Fresh off the Boat” and “Dr. Kim,” The CW’s “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” and — until recently (Spoiler alert!) — AMC’s “The Walking Dead.”

And then there are all those attractive and talented male entertainers on “It’s Asian Men!”

All four of them.

But it’s getting better.

Julia Kim, a casting director and member of the Casting Society of America, told me that she’s seeing more Asian-Americans, the fastest growing ethnic group in the country, showing up for casting calls. This, she said, gives casting directors more options to take to filmmakers.

That probably has something to do with a change in culture on the Asian-American side, Kim said. Traditionally, Asian parents want their children to enter solid, stable jobs.

“And acting is such a crap shoot and is such a risky occupation or career choice,” she said. “But now that the opportunities are opening up and there’s more shots at Asian actors having a career in acting, I feel like it’s a viable option.”

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