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While doing my daily research I stumbled upon a game called “Golden Balls”, a tv game show loosely based on game theory. There is a cash prize and two contestants must pick one of two options: split or steal. Three outcomes are possible:

  1. both pick split - the prize is split and each contestant gets half of the prize amount.
  2. both pick steal - both contestants get nothing
  3. one picks steal and the other picks split - the one who picks steal gets everything.

Now, believe it or not the person on the left is in fact a woman, but more to the point is to notice how natural it is for these people to back stab and feel no remorse. She in fact looks quite pleased with her “accomplishment”. Meanwhile, the girl on the right has been fully brainwashed by the bible with “thou shall not steal”. This is like Western history in a nutshell.

Do as I say, not as a I do.


As an addendum, a similar game was played out in a research paper that I can’t find, but here’s a link to a podcast that discussed how whites constantly cheated Asians.

Some students treated their partners fairly; others, however, essentially cheated, keeping most or all of the money for themselves. When did that happen? It happened when the two players didn’t look alike.

GLAESER: A lot of the cheating was across racial and ethnic lines. And this was primarily white on Asian, meaning the whites were cheating the Asians.

Trust Me - Freakonomics Freakonomics

There are two lessons to learn here.

One, whites are natural cheaters and back stabbers. They didn’t end up being called the white devil by every non-white group in existence, get quotes such as “White man speak in forked tongue”, and wind up squatting on multiple continents across the planet where entire nations are built on top of the corpses of people who you betrayed by being “good natured people”.

Two, Asians are profoundly naive sheep to the slaughter. Despite all the atrocities and betrayals you have suffered, you still do not adapt. This is what white mean when they say you’re not critical thinkers. How many times must they stab you in the back before you get it? BTW, I’ll have a very large collection of posts about that in the future.

Understand that Asians are stereotyped as untrustworthy by the world’s most conniving thieves who also pretend to be trustworthy. It is completely crazy to buy into their lies which are wholly self-serving for them and detrimental to us.

In case you think I’m joking, look at this giant list of their debunked lies and stereotypes; betrayals; gas lightning; and concern trolling

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DTM was the man who blew the whistle on the racist western adaptation of kpop called “Make it Pop” where there are

No Asian guys on my show

That set the Asian redditsphere on fire about two years ago. He owns a clothing line for MMA fighters and also street wear. Check them out at https://www.dynastyclothingstore.com/

He recently released a few podcasts with some interesting guests. I thought you would be interested in hearing them take on real uncensored Asian life – none of that superfluous bubble tea and foodie adventure “activism”.


Dynasty Podcast #00 - The Start of a Dynasty (Interview with Brand Owner)


Dynasty Podcast #01 - Model Minority Myth, Hollywood Propaganda, Asian Stereotypes


Dynasty Podcast #02 - Dealing With Bullying & Racism, Becoming A Martial Artist

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First, what the hell is importing over-paid players going to do for China’s soccer ambitions?

Second, what is China going to do about this racist prick?

Three, notice the FREE Press™ puts the word, racist, in quotes to dismiss the racism. This is a very common trick by the Western media. When National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-radicalized terrorists hacked Chinese people in Xinjiang, Western publications called them “terrorists”.


‘SHAME ON YOU’ Ezequiel Lavezzi slammed on Twitter after photo of him emerges of him making an alleged ‘racist’ gesture during Chinese Super League photo session

Argentine striker joined Hebei Fortune last year after moving from Paris Saint-Germain and is world’s best-paid player

AN IMAGE has emerged of Ezequiel Lavezzi making what appears to be a ‘racist’ gesture and it has led to outrage on social media.

The Argentine was this week confirmed as the highest-paid player in football, earning a staggering £798,000-a-week.

However, he has faced a huge backlash on Twitter after a picture appeared of him, smiling and making a gesture with his hands which is considered hugely offensive towards people of China.

Ezequiel Lavezzi slammed on Twitter after photo of him emerges of him making an alleged ‘racist’ gesture during Chinese Super League photo session

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A Vietnamese-American doctor, Dr. Dao, was brutalized by United Airlines on April 9, 2017. He was beaten by aviation security, given a concussion, and dragged off the plane like an animal. What recent reports failed to recognize was the degree to which Western culture, or Western “soft power”, played a role in the beating.

Before the attack

Western culture promotes what can be called the “White Brand”. From their youth, American children read fairytales such as Snow White with white male heroes; the trend continues in adulthood with larger-than-life leading men in Hollywood almost always being white men. America’s sordid history of crimes against humanity are hidden and/or downplayed. The American population – white, black, Hispanic, and Asian (non-whites make up 40% of America) – are trained to see whites as virtuous and high status.

In contrast, Western soft power normalizes the dehumanization of Asians and Asian men in particular. It’s not uncommon for American movies to depict Asians being killed en masse and for it to be shown as “justifiable” since the Asians are portrayed as villainous, abusive, and/or misogynistic; examples of this include: “The Wolverine”, “The Interview”, and “Lucy”. Harm towards Asians is also seen as humor. In “Lucy”, the white female lead shoots a Taiwanese driver for not being able to speak English; this was meant to be “comedic” and blogs reported that audiences laughed at the scene.

The onslaught of demeaning depictions leads to a subconscious dehumanization of Asians in the public mind (note: Americans cannot tell the difference between different kinds of Asians such as Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese; so damaging perceptions of one, harms all) These socially constructed racial perceptions form the backdrop of interactions in America, including the Dao incident.

During the attack

Double standards abound in the Dao incident. It’s unfathomable that the police officer would physically beat a 69-year old, gray-haired white male physician, slamming his face into the headrest, knocking out two teeth and giving him a concussion if he passively objected to his removal from the flight. It’s more likely he would instead be seen as a respectable gentleman to be treated in a civil manner. Dao’s suffering is linked to the cultural dehumanization of Asians. Dehumanization makes others see our rights and feelings as less worthy of consideration; they become more prone to aggression towards us, indifferent towards the pain caused.

Witnesses saw another customer refuse to leave, but the flight attendants did not call the police in that case. Instead, they engaged respectfully until the passenger agreed to leave. But when Dr. Dao refused to leave, the flight attendant called the police to deal with him.

Why were flight attendants more aggressive towards Dao? Why did things escalate with him but not with the other passenger? In Dao’s case, he even described that as a physician, he had patients he had to see the next morning, making it crucial for him to stay on the flight. However, racial biases influence perception of threats and reactions towards defiance. In America, Asians are perceived as passive so when an Asian defies this stereotype and expectation, the reaction can be indignation and anger. There’s even a paper on this.

After the Attack

Dehumanization not only influenced the Dao incident, it affects how people respond to it. A passenger on United witnessed that one of the police officers was “laughing in the midst of the incident, to the violent, abusive way the passenger was dragged off the plane by the [other] officer”. Late-night TV host, Jimmy Kimmel turned this tragedy into a joke on his show. He’s the same host responsible for the “let’s kill everyone in china” skit in 2013. This is how Asians are stripped of their humanity; how anti-Asian crimes are downplayed and tacitly approved of.

Interestingly, American culture doesn’t laugh at white victims, who instead enjoy abundant sympathy. The 2015 Paris terrorist attack that killed 12 sparked globally-televised vigils. In contrast, when 31 Chinese were butchered by the 2014 terrorist attacks in Xinjiang, the Western media sympathized with the terrorists and misrepresented them as “freedom fighters” fighting their “oppressors”. In the Western narrative, Asians are often vilified even when slain.

Consequences are the key

United Airline’s CEO, Oscar Munoz, initially refused to apologize, assuming Asians would accept the incident passively. It was only after an uproar on Chinese social media contributed to United Airline’s stock value falling by nearly 1 billion dollars on fear of losing business in China, that he apologized – in Mandarin. The fear of consequences is absolutely vital to combating Western disrespect of Asians. It’s time Chinese people everywhere stood up for themselves in matters large and small.


Western media’s dehumanization of Asians contribute to these tragedies. All Asians must fight the West’s dehumanization of Asians that produce racially biased aggression.

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