Debunked Myths - There's no racism. You're blowing things out of proportion
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Would any white person want to switch places with an Asian person? Case closed.
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Wrong. Even honest whites write about this. BTW, many of these sources are Chinese but remember, you’re all chinks to them. Except South Asians----you’re branded a terrorist / rapefugee.
But the Chinese are different - you don’t need any evidence to chuck accusations of cheating at them. Sinophobia is the one form of racism which remains socially acceptable.
Sinophobia, the last acceptable racism | Coffee House: detailed review of policy and research evidence confirmed the extent and seriousness of racist crime against the UK Chinese population. Although the number of Chinese origin victims of racist crimes appears to be small, relative to the numbers of Chinese people in the UK population, the figures are disturbing. The evidence from the literature suggests that in the UK and in other countries where there is a substantial settled population of people of Chinese origin (such as the USA and European countries), the Chinese are disproportionately represented as victims of crimes with a racial content, more than those from other minority ethnic groups.
Hidden from public view? Racism against the UK Chinese population Quan Finished Report.pdfanti-Chinese USA |,blogs,forums/anti-Chinese-persecution-in-the-USA-history-timeline.htm
anti-Chinese Britain |,blogs,forums/chinese-in-britain-history-timeline.htm
anti-Asian hollywood |,blogs,forums/hollywood-asian-stereotypes.htm
anti-Asian chink eye |,blogs,forums/not-racist-just-goofy-squint-eye-faces.htm
One final example…
Neither his fairytale size, his arrival in London nor, it seems, the rather humiliating image of him towering over Prince William on pretty much every newspaper’s front pages yesterday were remotely accidental.
source: Prince William’s 7ft 6in giant Yao Ming was specially bred to belittle the West | Daily Mail Online:’t it strange that suddenly looking inferior is insulting? Why don’t these white geniuses recognize how insulting it is to be represented by scum like
They deny it. They accuse you of having “issues”. They tell you to get over it.
They are full of shit and they know it. Now, you know it too.