Note my post is about “Healthy AAS Use,” not “Take as Much Trenobolone as you Can Afford and Get Huge and Ripped (and later have health problems!)!”
Maintaining fertility, hormone balance, liver, heart, and arteries were all discussed in my post. Getting huge fast and being instafamous were not.
The 6 rules and 4 requirements of AAS are non-optional for the Asian guy who cares about his body. Things like Anastrozole and HcG are about avoiding the negative effects of AAS.
I will discuss side effects in detail when I post about specific substances. I will point out and discourage the compounds designed for livestock but popularly used by humans. The basic Testosterone cycle I posted has no noticeable long term or short term adverse effects if followed exactly as described.
Professional Bodybuilding is a sum of AAS + Insulin/GH + Exercise + Diet, roughly in that order of impact.
For most non-professionals, it’s Diet + AAS + Exercise, in order of impact.
The hormone-adverse will have to do with only Diet + Exercise within their control.
Weightlifting itself is very dangerous if done wrong. AAS is the same.
AAS not for everybody. But I want all my brothers to be educated on the truth of the subject so they have the tool in their toolbox if they ever need it, even if they never will.