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Random Thoughts and Casual Discussion!
PETA SAYS BARNYARD BROTHELS ‘REVOLTING’. Worse yet, 1/2 of U.S. states don’t have anti bestiality laws Animal bordellos in Denmark, where customers pay for sex with animals. Denmark’s animal bordellos have been advertising on the ‘Net and reportedly draw customers from as far away as Norway, Germany, Holland and Sweden who want to pay for sex with horses and other beasts.
[The following are some statements from Mersereau, spokesman for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,]
“…just because there’s been publicity about such facilities in Denmark who are catering to those kinds of sickos, that doesn’t mean those activities aren’t happening elsewhere”
“I have a desk full of bestiality cases from both sides of the Mason Dixon line,”
“The thing we’re struggling with here is there’s a nudge nudge, wink wink sensibility,”
“It’s pretty much an eye opener when you sit in this chair and receive complaints that a neighbor raped a dog, or broke into a barn,”
“The link between cruelty to animals and cruelty to other people is well established,”
one recent study concluded 96 percent of offenders who engaged in bestiality also admitted to sexual assaults on people.PETA says barnyard brothels ‘revolting’:
These people make up some of the estimated 100,000 zoophiles (people in relationship with animals including sex) in Germany
A boom in the practice and the proliferation of Web sites and even brothels devoted to itSex With Animals - News Report (Adults Only) - YouTube:
A man [Sean McDonnell, 57] appears in court after allegedly ordering his Alsatian dog to have sex with a woman who died as a result.
Woman died from allergic reaction to sex with dog
Man, 29, who worked for animal shelter ‘took pictures of himself having sex with girlfriend’s dog’
Eric Antunes, 29, was found at his home after police in Clearwater, Florida were given a tip he was in possession of child pornography…‘Several images of bestiality’ were also found on his mobile phone,
Police added that his girlfriend was not aware of the pictures until officers showed her.Man, 29, ‘took pictures of himself having sex with girlfriend’s dog’ | Daily Mail Online:
White people.
Seriously, how is this even a thing?!
@jethreezy That would actually explain a lot.
@natalie_ng Well not sure about the pres of ROK, but everyone else are all pretty hardcore nationalists, and of course that’s the ultimate sin to them (western liberals).
I feel a little bit offended by this…
From here:
I understand that the South Koreans are upset with their president right now, but why the hell are they (liberals) lumping the Chinese, Japanese, and Philippines’ leaders in with the likes of Trump and Putin??? What did China/Japan/Philippines do to earn as much hate as Trump/Putin? I don’t know if I’m overreacting but it just seems to me that they’re pushing a propaganda that “all Asian countries = bad.”
@secondstrike Exactly. Mental illness is like a genetic/hereditary disease for them. It’s far too common, which is why you see pictures upon pictures of missing children everyday posted on the walls of stores like Walmart.
@natalie_ng That’s mad creepy. All those sick lists like “creepy ass things” [that are not based on the paranormal or fiction] are filled with whites doing weird shit in their everyday lives.
This is why whites seriously creep me out. The common pedophilia/mental illness problems running rampant among them is just getting way out of hand (another reason why I’m bothered by this is because I live in the deep south and these weird clown sightings are occurring around here):
“I’ve been so much more troubled in this campaign about what he has said about women broadly, about Americans with disabilities, about our veterans, about Americans who don’t kind of share his straight white male heritage,” Clinton said Friday.
Seeing more examples of white women saying stuff like this.
@GrandSeiko I just made a new category for this. . Welcome to the forum.