Singaporean Evidence of Whites Acting Aggressive and Arrogant in Singapore
It’s not just the navy seal… there’s even a running compilation of ang mohs acting aggressive in Singapore.
Before anyone accuse me of xenophobia and racism (for citing a list of articles), the number of incidents seem disproportionately high given the small population percentage.
- Ang moh jaywalks and heckles driver in middle of road for not “giving way” to him
- Ang moh jam brakes on road and throws bicycle on car
- Ang moh punches taxi driver, vomits in car and walks off without paying
- Ang moh punches taxi driver 1
- Ang moh punches taxi driver 2
- Ang moh punches taxi driver 3
- Ang moh punches taxi driver 4
- Ang moh punches taxi driver 5
- Ang moh punches taxi driver 6
- Ang moh punches man and breaks his nose for no reason
- Ang moh punches woman after harrassing taxi driver
- Ang moh cyclist spits on car despite driver giving way to him
- Ang moh beats traffic light and flips finger at driver
- Ang moh beats traffic light and flips finger at driver
@pryanli More wonderful achievements thanks to East Asian “social harmony”…/s