Hapa Blog

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    Alright guys, there’s a blog written by a half-white, half-Asian guy who outlines the issues that hapas face. A racist white troll called All American White Guy well…look at his comments and you’ll see. Here’s a prime sampling.

    “You’re such an ignorant monkey, I hate telling you run back into the forest, you greasy, slanty-eyed, needle dick slope.” This in response to some racist thing he was hurling out.


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    . Thing is, Asians in Asia do not understand how bad the racism is because Hollywood is such a powerful propaganda machine but maybe, with all the white people flocking to Asia, maybe they’ll see that white people aren’t the perfect angels they’re portrayed to be and they can be just as hateful as anyone else. But back to the divide and conquer strategy. That is what Asians in Asia need to know first and foremost I think. The divide and conquer strategy and how it’s been employed over time especially in Asia.

    We are doing our part over here. We’re spreading awareness. It took time to gather up all the facts though. Without them, it’s too easy for whites to gaslight and say “oh, it’s just bad apples”.


    divide and conquer strategy. That is what Asians in Asia need to know first and foremost I think.

    They are doing that with the fake “freedom of navigation” / “China threat” in Asia now.

    I’d like to add that right up there in terms of power tactics is their control of information that shapes perceptions and distorts them to invert reality. Some overviews below:


    don’t shield them from racist white American behaviour

    This is a major problem with Asians. From my research, instead of identifying and fighting it, they just put their head in the sand and “be the bigger man”, which just emboldens bullies to no end. It’s like turning us into punching bags.

    Is that a statistic for Asian-Americans btw?

    Ya, I don’t have the exact figure but it’s extremely bad. Those are only for marriage too. Dating/sex is going to be much larger. It’s the same across Anglo nations.

    white genocide

    i know…I even made some memes for that.








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    Have to give it up to that hapa guy. I first came across his website years and years ago when I first started looking into this kind of shit and almost forgot he still existed. Looks like he’s been a busy boy, putting in work. Still I hope he takes time now and again for just himself, because you can only stare into the abyss for so long before you start to get fucked up inside.

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    Yeah I feel bad for their kids too. Y’know I read once that there were a significant group of Blasian kids (mixed black and Chinese) in America at one stage and the Chinese community wanted to take those kids in but the white community stepped in shit and basically were involved in making that not happen. The more I read, the more I notice that white people really, really like to play the divide and conquer game throughout history. By divide and conquer I mean exploiting tensions that are already there within the community whether it’s based on class, religion or socio-economic status. The British used religious tensions to divide the Indians and turn them against one another and it seems that it’s happened in America between Asian-American women and men. Asians in Asia need to be more aware of the tactics used by them and they need to be aware of [i]dividing and conquering tactic used in this way[/i]. Hong Kong and mainland China is a prime example. Even after colonialism is over, I’ve heard that HKers do not like mainland Chinese at all. The elite are quite happy with that situation because it means that they can use Hong Kong for their own agenda.They use a lot of tactics to be honest. Lot of psychological warfare but this one is the most prominent I’ve seen. This and using military force to get their way. Thing is, Asians in Asia do not understand how bad the racism is because Hollywood is such a powerful propaganda machine but maybe, with all the white people flocking to Asia, maybe they’ll see that white people aren’t the perfect angels they’re portrayed to be and they can be just as hateful as anyone else. But back to the divide and conquer strategy. That is what Asians in Asia need to know first and foremost I think. The divide and conquer strategy and how it’s been employed over time especially in Asia.

    As for Asian-Americans, I don’t know what can be done on a macro scale. I kind of feel like it’s too late for that. But if you have family members, then make sure you surround them with positive, strong Asian male role models I think is the best way to go. Also, don’t shield them from racist white American behaviour because they’re going to have to know how to defend themselves when they’re alone with a bunch of racist white Americans and they’re going to have to recognize it. And I noticed, in American media, I have never seen an American-Asian male and female together on the same screen. That’s sending a bad message to Asian-American kids.

    And this guy has been trolling those other places as well? Freaking hell. They’re everywhere. And yeah, I find that mind boggling. I am really terrified. It’s happening in my country too apparently and to think that there’s going to be heaps of hapa kds growing up with all these issues really is just depressing and terrifying. I don’t understand this. Is that a statistic for Asian-Americans btw? I don’t know how bad it is. The dating out rate for Asian-American women but I know it’s really, really bad. And I know that American society must have screwed them up really badly when I see them talk so much shit about Asian-American men and then turn around and talk less shit about white guys for doing the same things. I hate that stupid white genocide thing. No one’s trying to kill white people. It’s the other way around usually. In Canada, Australia, America, white settlers were the ones that came and killed Native Indians/Aboriginals. Somehow, that’s equatable to dating out of your race. I swear, I will never understand.

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    @WokenUp These creepy white guys are just case studies in hypocrisy. I feel awful for their children. I think that guy also runs a few other places like Stuff Eurasians like, www.reddit.com/r/hapas, and Eurasian Writer

    White women dating out at just 5% = race traitor, degeneracy, white genocide™
    Asian women dating out at 40% almost all to white guys = progressive and open minded.

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