
White pedophile / psychopath epidemic across Asia must be revealed, broadcasted, and stopped!

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    I know this is unpopular, but Asians shouldn’t and can no longer remain quiet about this problem. It will not go away without force. As Asians, we should and must be sickened by the total silence from of so-called Asian “leaders” who concern themselves with frivolities.

    I must emphasize that white pedophiles in Asia are not mere “bad apples”. They are legion.

    A Thai organization called FACE, the coalition to Fight Against Child Exploitation, claimed that 5,000 foreigners come to Thailand each year to have sex with

    the average sex tourist as a middle aged white male from either Europe or North America who often goes online to find the ‘best deals.’

    The Europeans and Americans who go to Southeast Asia as ‘sex tourists’

    recent high profile case of aging British rocker Gary Glitter, who in June was convicted of child molestation and sentenced to three years in prison. He was found guilty of committing obscene acts with girls ages 10 and 11 at his rented seaside villa in southern Vietnam.

    Southeast Asia a Haven for Pedophiles - ABC News:

    Calling them white is not racist. It’s just the truth

    Of the 413 people arrested as part of the agency’s ‘Innocent Images’ investigation since 1995, ‘only a handful have not been upper middle class, educated white men,’ said Special Agent Pete Gulotta who serves as the investigation’s chief spokesman. ‘They’re almost all white males between the ages of 25 and 45.

    ‘We’ve had military officers with high clearances, pediatricians, lawyers, school principals, and tech executives,’ Gulotta said of those arrested under Innocent Images.

    Pedophile profile: Young, white, wealthy

    Also, you can’t tell who is a pedophile. Enter, Jared Fogle, Subway sandwiches ad man.


    Newly released text messages from Subway pitchman Jared Fogle show the convicted pedophile specifically asked for 14 year old Asian girls because that’s “what I crave,”

    Jared Fogle ‘craved’ 14-year-old Asian girls: text messages | New York Post:


    There is absolutely a white male psychopath epidemic across Asia. Just a week ago there was Richard Huckle. m5Cq0HN.jpg

    A British man is facing multiple life sentences for numerous sex crimes against Malaysian children which he boasted about on the ‘dark web’.

    Richard Huckle, 30, from Ashford in Kent, admitted the offences against victims aged between six months and 12 years, from 2006 to 2014.

    It is believed Huckle abused up to 200 children.

    The 91 charges related to 23 children from mainly poor communities in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur.

    Huckle, a practising Christian, first visited Malaysia on a teaching gap year when he was 18 or 19. He then went on to groom children while doing voluntary work.

    Huckle wrote a paedophile manual called ‘Paedophiles And Poverty - Child Lover Guide’, as well as a series of notes in which he detailed rapes and various sex acts. it took more than an hour to read out all the charges.

    Huckle had said - ‘I’d hit the jackpot, a 3yo girl as loyal to me as my dog and nobody seemed to care.’

    At an earlier hearing, Judge Peter Rook QC told Huckle the charges amounted to ‘sexual offending of the utmost gravity’ and said he was ‘considering life sentences in your case’.

    An NSPCC spokesman said Huckle’s ‘delight in abusing babies and toddlers’ whichhe boasted about on the internet ‘shows the depths of his warped depravity’.
    ‘This case highlights the urgent need for a global effort to crack down on those who use the web to exploit and hurt vulnerable youngsters.’

    Richard Huckle faces life sentences for Malaysia child abuse - BBC News:



    These white male psychopaths must be stopped before they harm any more Asians. Checks and balances are too loose across Asia with these psychopaths running around.

    Worst of all they use innocent covers such as “esl teachers” and “holy priests”.

    A series of explosive child sex abuse scandals has hit Western Europe in recent months, sending the Catholic Church into damage control mode. While such scandals have become depressingly frequent since major allegations came out in the United States in 2002, the latest charges have been particularly damaging, implicating senior members of the Vatican hierarchy, including Pope Benedict XVI himself,

    Such explosive accusations are a direct attack on Pope Benedict himself, who has been criticized for sending a confidential letter in 2001 to every Roman Catholic bishop, advising them to keep allegations of sexual abuse secret for at least 10 years.

    since the mid 1990s there have been nearly 15,000 complaints leveled against the church — with legal claims topping $1.5 billion.

    Vatican official responded to growing criticism by defending the clergy’s action, citing statistics that showed only 1.5 to 5 percent of clergy have been involved in cases of child sex abuse — a leaky argument that acknowledges sexual abuse by up to 20,000 priests worldwide. [that’s a bare minimum]

    Even when accusations were leveled, priests tended to brush off evidence….German Justice Ministry says that Vatican secrecy has hampered investigations…collusion of Irish police in systematically covering up cases of child abuse by Dublin clergymen.

    The Catholic Church’s Latest Abuse Scandals | Foreign Policy:


    Just in case you think this is some conspiracy theory…


    The Vatican faced blistering criticism from a United Nations committee Thursday over allegations it protected pedophile priests at the expense of victims in what constituted a worldwide sex abuse scandal.

    The U.N. committee’s main human rights investigator, Sara Oviedo, led the most intense grilling the Holy See has received…Given the “zero tolerance” policy of the Vatican, she asked, why were there “efforts to cover up and obscure these types of cases?”

    UN slams Vatican for ‘efforts to cover up’ pedophile priests in sex abuse scandal - World News:


    This is the face of a psychopath / pedophile / murderer

    ‘I get bigger than Ben Hur and people get interested’ - Australian businessman accused of masterminding international
    paedophile ring after girl’s body found buried under his home shrugs off charges

    Peter Scully was arrested in the Philippines for sexual abuse of 11 children

    The 51 year old allegedly ran an international paedophile ring

    Scully said that he isn’t worried about being sentenced for the crimes

    He labelled himself ‘bigger than Ben Hur’ but claims the accusation against him are ‘lot stronger than what really happened’

    UN authorities say the ‘horrific’ case is the worst they have come across Videos show a 13 year old girl forced into acts with a baby and toddler

    The Melbourne man is also accused of killing a 10 year old girl

    Peter Scully accused of masterminding paedophile ring shrugs off charges | Daily Mail Online:



    different stories. The video is debated to be from 5 20 minutes. In the video two adults, one male and one female,sexually torture a young girl (age isn’t specified, but definately CP) I didn’t get too many details, but some of the following apparently happens - Something similar to alligator clips are used on the girl. The girl is beaten several times.
    The girl is defecated on, and smeared with it. Lastly, her limbs are severed using a machete and then her throat is slit while blood pours out of the wounds.

    What is? ‘Daisy Destruction’ (No links, just description) : deepweb:



    What you can do.

    Translate this. Spread it across Asian media. If you know people share this. Make them understand these are not “mere bad apples”. It’s a distinct pattern and they target Asia due to its lax controls and naive white worship.

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    @natalie_ng It’s not that clear cut. There were some exchanges of knowledge / technology with Europeans, but a few of them stole knowledge from us during those exchanges. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesuit_China_missions#Scientific_exchange

    That’s true about calling everyone barbarians. They’re so cocky lol. Honestly, I rather they call people barbarians than kiss white ass. I’d rather spend the rest of my explain to every non-white I meet why they are different from Eurobarbies.

  • @secondstrike Every single time the opium incident is brought up, my blood boils. China was tremendously ripped off; it has given those assholes silk, tea, porcelain and a number of other things that were useful and the only thing they gave back was fucking opium, knowing that it can kill people. They’re less than barbarians imo.

    Back to the topic at hand, I heard that the Chinese used to call everyone who is not Chinese barbarians, which implies at least a fair amount of nationalism. Not many countries do that (I know for sure Viets never did that).

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    @natalie_ng hmm. I don’t know actually. I do know that Chinese emperors used to call whites barbarians. I really appreciate reading this letter for its ability to pierce through the white brand that is equal parts lies and excuses.

    But after a long period of commercial intercourse, there appear among the crowh of barbarians both good persons and bad, unevenly. Consequently there are those who smuggle opium to seduce the Chinese people and so cause the spread of the poison to all provinces. Such persons who only care to profit themselves, and disregard their harm to others, are not tolerated by the laws of heaven and are unanimoly hated by human beings. His Majesty the Emperor, upon hearing of this, is in a towering rage. He has especially sent me, his commissioner, to come to Kwangtung, and together with the governor-general and governor jointly to investigate and settle this matter.

    All those people in China who sell opium or smoke opium should receive the death penalty. We trace the crime of those barbarians who through the years have been selling opium, then the deep harm they have wrought and the great profit they have usurped should fundamentally justify their execution according to law. We take into to consideration, however, the fact that the various barbarians have still known how to repent their crimes and return to their allegiance to us by taking the 20,183 chests of opium from their storeships and petitioning us, through their consular officer [superintendent of trade], Elliot, to receive it. It has been entirely destroyed and this has been faithfully reported to the Throne in several memorials by this comissioner and his colleagues.

    Fortunately we have received a specially extended favor Born His Majesty the Emperor, who considers that for those who voluntarily surrender there are still some circumstances to paliate their crime, and so for the time being he has magnanimously excused them from punishment. But as for those who again violate the opium prohibition, it is difficult for the law to pardon them repeatedly. Having established new regulations, we presume that the ruler of your honorable country, who takes delight in our culture and whose disposition is inclined towards us, must be able to instruct the various barbarians to observe the law with care. It is only neccessary to explain to them the advantages and advantages and then they will know that the legal code of the Celestial Court must be absolutely obeyed with awe.

    We find your country is sixty or seventy thousand li [three li make one mile, ordinarily] from China Yet there are barbanan ships that strive to come here for trade for the purpose of making a great profit The wealth of China is used to profit the barbarians. That is to say, the great profit made by barbarians is all taken from the rightful share of China. By what right do they then in return use the poisonous drug to injure the Chinese people? Even though the barbarians may not necessarily intend to do us harm, yet in coveting profit to an extreme, they have no regard for injuring others. Let us ask, where is your conscience? I have heard that the smoking of opium is very strictly forbidden by your country; that is because the harm caused by opium is clearly understood. Since it is not permitted to do harm to your own country, then even less should you let it be passed on to the harm of other countries – how much less to China!

    This part is very interesting.

    Of all that China exports to foreign countries, there is not a single thing which is not beneficial to peo ple: they are of benefit when eaten, or of benefit when used, or of benefit when resold: all are beneficial. Is there a single article from China which has done any harm to foreign countries?

    Chinese Cultural Studies: Lin Tse-Hsu (1785-1850): Letter to Queen Victoria, 1839:

    What I got from this:

    ● They are barbarians regardless of how they try to hide it
    ● China was too soft on them
    ● They are hypocrites about rule of law, human rights, and honor.

    All these observations are true to today.

  • @secondstrike I think China, in general, have a lot more nationalism than other Asian countries for whatever reason. Perhaps it might also be their military strength contributing to it (something I notice Japan and South Korea not having due to heavy U.S. involvement) but the Chinese have always been very, very proud even before consumerism culture, which is one of the reasons I suspect why they call themselves the Middle Kingdom.

    Their noses are huge like someone punched them in the back of their head and created an abrupt displacement on the other side.

    ROFL!!! Pretty accurate depiction of their vulture noses xD

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    @natalie_ng The over seas experience is weird. Some become more nationalistic when the illusion is broken, but many others become self haters/white worshippers. The whole Asian-white interaction is a colossal mess imo. Given the history and current day discrimination, too many Asians behave in the opposite of what I’d expect.

    Their noses are huge like someone punched them in the back of their head and created an abrupt displacement on the other side.

    the more successful Asian countries become, the more nationalistic they become, the less likely they will look up to whites.

    This is happening with consumer behavior of citizens in China.

    For the first time, local Chinese brands are equal to international brands in a measurement index meaning they are now in many ways perceived as equally competitive, new research found.

    A decade ago, international brands were synonymous with quality in the minds of certain Chinese consumers. They offered status and bling, while local brands could only aspire to being ‘good enough’.

    Uncertainty consumers in China once felt toward domestic products is gone. Local brands are challenging and beating global competition and consumers increasingly believe they are comparable, according to Millward Brown.

    Global brands lose advantage in China: report - China.org.cn:

    There was another article about growing nationalism fueling the growth of domestic brands, but I can’t find it.

  • @secondstrike

    Western actors also feature prominently in modern Chinese movies, often portrayed as the epitome of virtue and ethics.

    This is very, very true. I’ve always questioned that. White movies will never portray Asians (especially Asian men) as heroic yet Asian movies are quick to hire white actors to be the “good guys”. I always wondered what was up with that.

    My note - ULTRA ULTRA STUPID. They insult you non-stop WHILE claiming to be champions of human rights. While you IMPOSSIBLY STUPID IDIOTS kiss their ass and they are NOT EVEN HUMANE! Why are they not associated with committing rape and genocide across the world? You ULTRA STUPID idiots kiss their ass more than hollywood does.

    True. In their eyes, everything white is right. Whites are automatically the superpowers (despite the fact that all white countries including Australia, Canada and Europe are essentially powerless/useless except for the U.S. at this point), whites are automatically wealthier (despite Asia having more millionaires and billionaires and despite Asian Americans, as a whole, have higher income than white Americans), and whites represent all good virtues and ethnics (despite most serial killers and pedophiles being white).

    I see this behavior at the gov level, parental, and then the individual. Short of making a big change in this part of our outdated culture, I don’t see this problem going away.

    Perhaps the more successful Asian countries become, the more nationalistic they become, the less likely they will look up to whites.

    I once read a Japanese girl’s blog online where she wrote about her brother’s experiences to the U.S. She wrote that he used to romanticize America and thought America was as beautiful as he often saw it on TV in Japan. He also glorified whites as being the most “beautiful”, or at least more attractive than the Japanese. But when he arrived to the states, he became pretty disappointed. He saw that America was littered with ghettos, he saw violence on the news, and he saw the obesity epidemic here was real. She said not only was he shocked by how overweight many whites were, he exclaimed that their noses were “abnormally huge” leading him to believe they were not as attractive as he once thought they were. Needless to say, he came back to Japan and never cared to return to the states again.

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    @natalie_ng Many do especially if they were misinformed by Hollywood. Their own countries are a big problem. The Confucian ideal of treating guests with extra respect / kindness along with status worship created a near senseless level of admiration for Western societies that is based not on fact. Here are my notes for this latest read.

    Chinese filmmakers tend to use Western countries as their idyllic Shangri Las, contrasted against the noisy and stressful cities of modern day China.

    Beijing is portrayed as a den of debauchery, while Seattle stands for traditional family values.

    Los Angeles is depicted in the film as a peaceful, homey

    London is a romantic European capital.

    Western actors also feature prominently in modern Chinese movies, often portrayed as the epitome of virtue and ethics.

    “The Flowers of War,” Christian Bale plays an American mortician who saves a group of Chinese schoolgirls from the clutches of the Japanese
    army during the Nanjing Massacre.

    “Back to 1942,” directed by Feng Xiaogang, similarly features a foreign savior.

    recent Chinese cinema has likewise been aggrandizing its depictions of the West.

    My note - ULTRA ULTRA STUPID. They insult you non-stop WHILE claiming to be champions of human rights. While you IMPOSSIBLY STUPID IDIOTS kiss their ass and they are NOT EVEN HUMANE! Why are they not associated with committing rape and genocide across the world? You ULTRA STUPID idiots kiss their ass more than hollywood does.

    In the 1980s, following the Cultural Revolution, the West was positively espoused as individualistic and liberal by many Chinese intellectuals and artists. The New Culture Movement, which was birthed in the 1910s and 1920s out of a dissatisfaction with Chinese traditional values, upheld the Western standards of democracy and science.

    To some extent, this phenomenon can be attributed to the economic and international dominance of many Western countries in modern history. China, like many developing countries, respected and often worshipped the Western world.

    Positive images of foreign lands may have been further bolstered by Confucianism. Confucianism stresses people to respect and learn from one another.

    How Modern Chinese Filmmakers Got Hooked on the American Dream | Sixth Tone:

    I see this behavior at the gov level, parental, and then the individual. Short of making a big change in this part of our outdated culture, I don’t see this problem going away.

  • @secondstrike I wonder if the parents who boast the “white people are good and honorable” rhetoric actually believe it themselves or they’re only saying it to make sure their kids be nice to white people?

    Yeah, I heard about the Asian female depression/suicide rates…that’s extremely unfortunate. That’s probably strongly related to white worshipping behavior too, I would guess.

    Brent’s parents gave him the impression that he was not strong enough to defend himself. His parents, in essence, emasculated him while trying to keep him from harm.

    That’s pretty damn sad. Not only are Asian American men being emasculated by surrounding media, other non-Asians and by their own women but also by their family. Emotional/mental support should at least come from family but they don’t even have that =/

    And yes, I agree, the parents do need to spell it out. That’s one thing I’m a bit annoyed by in regards to the older Asian generations–making sex such a taboo subject that discussing sexual predators and sexual harassment even becomes a no-no. That’s ridiculous.

  • administrators

    @natalie_ng Here are some of the quotes and blurbs taken from my research/expose.

    Asian parents on average completely fail their children by NOT arming them with the knowledge and tools required to fight against white racist hate. Instead, many of these parents delude them with pure nonsense such as “white people are good and honorable”, “The West is a post-racial utopia”, “white men treat women better”, etc. Not only do many parents not expose the truth but they uphold self-harming lies. On top of this, they also teach their kid to tolerate…anything and everything. “Don’t make trouble”, “ be a good little boy”, etc. Now, here’s the result. Everyone thinks your daughter is a easy whore and your boy is an easy target to bully.

    Many of my respondents were not given lessons on how to deal with racist incidents; very few parents discussed this subject(.).
    Many of my respondents lacked guidance from family, friends, or their community on how to cope with discrimination.

    Asian American Sexual Politics: The Construction of Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Rosalind S. Chou

    Chinese American parents who were compassionate and communicated with their children about developmental and acculturation challenges, such as language barriers and adjusting to peer groups, raised children who reported less psychological distress than parents who strictly emphasized performance and achievement.



    Mental health is a big problem for Asians. We are the most depressed minority in America and Af suffer some of the worst rates of depression.


    Given the widespread mistreatment of Asians, it’s extremely likely, that the high rates of depression are linked to racism, a culture that inflicts self hate from a young age, and ineffective Asian parenting. The end result is sheep being fed to wolves. That’s Asians living in the west in a nutshell. Come home crying about racism and parents tell you to tolerate and be the bigger man. I’m honestly surprised we don’t have more crazies shooting up places given the tremendous stress we go through. Instead, the most privileged group on earth is #1 in that dubious field because of White Genocide™


    Brent’s parents gave him the impression that he was not strong enough to defend himself. His parents, in essence, emasculated him while trying to keep him from harm.

    Asian American Sexual Politics: The Construction of Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Rosalind S. Chou

    Here’s what I mean about being vague enough to be useless but annoying enough to make the kids rebel and become prey for whites.

    [My parents] told us everything was dangerous…“It’s because you are a girl and because you are Chinese. People think you are different. It’s dangerous.” …I was like, ''What the fuck is that? What do you mean, I’m different?" …When I got older I understood what they meant by that.
    While Erin’s parents did not directly spell out that they feared non-Asians would exotify their daughter, research supports their fears.
    Erin’s understanding of her parent’s protectiveness was accompanied with a greater understanding of sexuality and sexual predators. Erin has only dated whites and has felt exotified, to some extent, in most of those relationships…"
    Her parents did encourage both of them to concentrate on school before concerning themselves with relationships. The tabooing of sex made it more enticing to Charlene. It was something she wanted to experience as an act of rebellion…at fourteen, Charlene became involved with an older white classmate who fetishized her.

    Asian American Sexual Politics: The Construction of Race, Gender, and Sexuality: Rosalind S. Chou

    This is extremely stupid. Whites are highly racist and predatory. Why not spell it out. By being vague, such parents only allow whites to be wolves in sheep’s clothing.

    Asians must stop tip toeing around white feelings. They don’t matter one bit. If they are sexual predators, lunatics who shoot up schools, then that’s their well-deserved reputation. It’s not like we’re making lies up to enemy image them like this…


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