What's your favorite quirk of being Asian?
I’m a math tutor… you can already imagine where this is headed lol
My parents taught me how to adapt to my environment and succeed financially. Those my age that lived the white way (excessive debt, flashy status symbols) fell into debt very quickly.
@secondstrike That sucks! Maybe it depends on the area. Some places have extremely racist cops who only let go whites.
@arcterex @natalie_ng Grr! I’m so jelly. I have been fined every single time.
@natalie_ng “I get let go very easily when I’m pulled over by the cops for running a stop sign or speeding, lol.” funny, same here. last 3 times i got a “warning”.
Adaptability. In many areas, not all, we are extremely adaptable to new environments. All kinds of coolies and immigrants rose to positions of power in a few generations unless there were structural obstacles.
I get let go very easily when I’m pulled over by the cops for running a stop sign or speeding, lol. I never get ticketed simply because I’m Asian and female. Of course, I don’t abuse the system but it’s nice to have this advantage when I accidentally run a stop sign and a cop is around.
I also like my skin a lot. I tan easily in the summer but get lighter in the winter so I guess my skin is versatile, lol. It also “appears” flawless compared to people of other races (although a lot of Asian girls have even better skin than me).
I’d say First is never been suspected of anything.
Like Dumbfounded video says “we’re not safe”