
What's your favorite quirk of being Asian?

  • Banned

    I’d say First is never been suspected of anything. Man white people- you are way too trusting of us. Big mistake on your part. lol

    Second- being thought of as intelligent. Has helped in many interviews; even in cases, where I went back after the interview and realized something i said was wrong.

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  • @siberiandragon LMAO! Well to be fair, Will Ferrell was always ugly, even in his younger years :laughing:

    I’ll just use one of my crushes, Donnie Yen and compare him to a guy who at least looked better than Ferrell when he was younger, Johnny Depp. Both Yen and Depp are the same exact age (53). The photos I took of both of them are their most recent photos taken in 2016 and neither photo was photoshopped.



    Mind you, Johnny Depp was once a hearthrob among white teenage girls but now look at how hard he hit the wall. Fat is accumulating around his jaws, his cheeks, under his chin, and on his neck. His jawline has completely disappeared as a result. There are visible wrinkles on the sides of his face and a little bit between his eyebrows. If you look even more closely, you can see some liver spots already starting to appear on his forehead (signs of aging).

    On the other hand, Donnie Yen is still in really good shape. His jawline is extremely apparent, his chin is nice and tight, no sagging to be seen. His neck has no signs of sagging either–his adam’s apple can still be seen very clearly. There are almost no wrinkles (i can’t see any at all even) and his skin appears flawless. No blemishes, no liver spots. His skin tone also looks very nice and healthy but not sure if he tanned or it’s due to his genetic make up. Either way, the guy looks almost exactly like he did back when he was in his thirties.

  • Level 0 - Private

    @arcterex Asians age the most gracefully out of all races. That’s the biggest benefit of being Asians. We’ll still look fresh and youthful when we’re 40.

    Non-aging Asians

  • @HanHuang Idk about garlic and onions…I’d say they smell a lot worse than that. A lot of them straight up smell like vomit to me (especially when it’s hot outside). Either vomit or sour milk or rotten cheese. My family think it’s because they consume a lot of dairy products but I don’t think so…my husband (and I) drink milk everyday but my hubs definitely never smell like that. I think the vomit smell definitely has to do with their stinky genes.

  • @natalie_ng said in What's your favorite quirk of being Asian?:

    Here’s another great quirk of being Asian.

    We’re much less prone to smelling disgusting.

    It’s funny, one of my previous coworkers had a sister who used to be a bar girl. She was Asian and the customers she usually entertained were Asian or white. When my coworker asked which customers she preferred, she said Asian because the stench from whites sometimes made her nauseous. I guess this explains it.

    So true! My wife tells me that she’s in awe of how I can come home from a sweaty workout and smell sweet, as if I bathed in perfumes - the reality is that I don’t wear deodorant or any scents, I just let myself smell the way I smell.

    Some white guys do stink though… It’s as if they eat rotten garlic and onions and their body immediately shuttles the smell through the skin. Quite disgusting…

  • @secondstrike

    However, he has two huge turnoffs to any prospective mates: his malodorous scent and his penchant for sexual harassment, refusing to take “no” for an answer

    Sounds very symbolic, hahaha

  • administrators


    very seriously

    they even had a kid’s cartoon character


    A French striped skunk that always strolls around in Paris in the springtime, when everyone’s thoughts are of “love”, Pepé is constantly seeking “l’amour” of his own. However, he has two huge turnoffs to any prospective mates: his malodorous scent and his penchant for sexual harassment, refusing to take “no” for an answer, even when she rejects his advances to the point of physically assaulting him, making him the antagonist of his shorts

    Pepé Le Pew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

  • @secondstrike That would explain why the French take their perfumes VERY seriously xD

  • administrators

  • Here’s another great quirk of being Asian.


    East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) have fewer apocrine sweat glands compared to people of other descent, and the lack of these glands make East Asians less prone to body odor.[16][17] The reduction in body odor and sweating may be due to adaptation to colder climates by their ancient Northeast Asian ancestors.[18] The ABCC11 gene is known to determine axillary body odor, but also the type of earwax.[4][18][19][20] Most of the world’s population secrete the wet-type earwax, however, East Asians are genetically predisposed for the allele that codes the dry-type earwax, associated with a reduction in axillary body odor.[4][18][20] The loss of a functional ABCC11 gene is caused by a 538G>A single-nucleotide polymorphism, resulting in a loss of body odor in people who are specifically homozygous for it.[20][21] The non-functional ABCC11 allele is predominant amongst East Asians (80–95%), but very low in other ancestral groups (0–3%).[4] About 98 percent of Europeans have the smelly-armpit version of the gene, and along with it comes stickier and smellier earwax.[22] It affects apocrine sweat glands by reducing secretion of odorous molecules and its precursors.[4] It is also associated with a strongly reduced/atrophic size of apocrine sweat glands and a decreased protein (such as ASOB2) concentration in axillary sweat.[4]

    We’re much less prone to smelling disgusting.

    It’s funny, one of my previous coworkers had a sister who used to be a bar girl. She was Asian and the customers she usually entertained were Asian or white. When my coworker asked which customers she preferred, she said Asian because the stench from whites sometimes made her nauseous. I guess this explains it.

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